Click now to try our service without any obligation to buy.
Most other companies make you pay up front before you have seen what you're going to get. We don't.

You can try our service free of charge. We have nothing to hide.

Only after you have checked that our service gives you what you want in your Will, and only after you have viewed a Summary of what will appear in your Will, and only after you have viewed the first few paragraphs of your actual Will, will we ask you to pay.

What's more, if you find anything legally wrong with your Will and it's our fault then we will correct the error and give you a 100% refund.
We do not confuse you with complicated forms.

Instead we ask you simple questions with straightforward multiple-choice answers.

Based on those answers, we then ask you to enter only the information that we require.

The result is that you can write the Will that you want accurately, easily and quickly.

Click now to find out for yourself without any obligation to buy.
Once you've paid for your Will and/or LPA, you can make UNLIMITED re-writes of your document(s) for FREE for 60 days.

During that period, only if you want us to check your amended document(s) do we make a charge - and even then it's only £16.49+VAT per document.

Additonally, once the 60 day period has expired all subsequent re-makes of your documents will receive a 20% discount - with further re-writes again being free for another 60 days.

Solicitors were involved in the design of this site and your Will document is generated from the same database of words and phrases used by lawyers up and down the UK.
During the design process, every conceivable permutation of Will which can be produced from our Intelligent Online Questionnaire © was 'pre-checked'.


As an extra safeguard for 100% peace of mind, every Will purchased from this site is individually checked by a professionally qualified Willwriter. This service also extends to all Lasting Powers of Attorney purchased.

Our Professional Checking Service takes the form of an email that you will receive within 2 working days of the purchase of your documents. This email will EITHER give your documents the 'all clear' (in which case you can use the versions you downloaded at purchase time) OR suggest alterations to be made – with a direct facility to contact us if you require further clarification.

As an optional extra, if you have purchased our Printing & Binding Service, we don't suggest alterations to be made. Instead, we make them for you, and generate and email (and later post) to you the corrected documents.

Finally, if you want us to check your document(s) after signature then with our Free Attestation Checking Service we give you an email address to which you can send the signed page(s) and we will email you back within 2 working days to tell you whether or not the signing/witnessing process appears to have been correctly carried out.
Our system is quick - really quick. Once our questionnaire has loaded up (which takes only a few seconds) response time is immediate.

You can break off at any time, save what you've entered, then come back later to continue.

Once you've completed and paid for your Will, you get it straight away – both as an immediate download and in an email.

You can have your Will printed - and ready to sign in the presence of 2 witnesses to make it legal - in just a few minutes.

Click now to find out for yourself without any obligation to buy.
This is just a small selection of the comments we have received from our Customers about our service :-

"I have been delighted with your service and have been telling all my friends and family about it! Thank you."
- C.I.L.  Bath.

"Just writing to congratulate you on the excellent will-writing service which you provide, and I have just used.
The software you use is awesome and you make what could be a complicated task very easy. I will be pleased to recommend your service to others. "
- Mr A.G.  Hythe, Kent.

"A very professional and friendly service. We are very happy with the Wills you have created - and we are busy trying to get our friends to use you !"
- R. & A.B.  Manchester.

"An excellent service - quick, comprehensive, efficient. We have found the supporting documentation most helpful. Thank you for enabling us to sort out this important task in our lives."
- Mr. & Mrs. K.F.  Cambridge.
When you use our service, your details are entered over a secure SSL link and are stored on our system using sophisticated encryption to ensure that your data is 100% safe.

We will never reveal, give, or sell your details to any third party without first obtaining your permission. And you can ask us to remove your details entirely from our system at any time.

Finally, once you've made your Will with us and signed and witnessed it, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing that if you lose it, you can re-print and re-sign it at any time.
We are Members of the Society of Willwriters - the UK's most respected regulatory body for the Willwriting Profession.

You can therefore rest assured that when you deal with us:-
  • You are dealing with an approved and professional organisation.
  • If you have a grievance with us and we do not answer it satisfactorily, you have somewhere to take it further.
Your LPA document will be supplied in electronic PDF format, fully completed on your behalf and requiring only the signatures of you, your witnesses, and your Attorneys.

(Your Certificate Provider must, alas, complete their short section in their own hand for the document to be legal)

Please also read our note at the bottom of this page regarding the cost of registration of an LPA.
The signing process can differ according to what is contained in the LPA, but this will not be a problem for you because we will give you detailed and personalised step-by-step instructions for what to do e.g.

“Ensure A and B are in the room with you. Turn to page 13 and sign in box 14 while A and B watch”

The instructions are so precise and easy to follow that we have yet to hear of one of our LPAs being refused registration.

Please read our note at the bottom of this page regarding the cost of registration of an LPA.
We give you direct access to all of the documents you will need over the lifetime of your LPA, including all of the documentation required to register it.

(Please read our note at the bottom of this page regarding the cost of registration of an LPA.)
The questionnaire is a simple multiple-choice format and allows you to complete either just an LPA-PA, or an LPA-PA plus an LPA-HW.

(Don't worry if you only want an LPA-HW – you can choose which documents to purchase at the end)

When you've completed the questionnaire, all you then have to do is check the Summary, Pay, Download, Print and Sign.

(Please read our note at the bottom of this page regarding the cost of registration of an LPA.)
When you've completed the questionnaire we show you a simple plain English summary of your LPA, so you can check that what you've entered corresponds to what you want the document to say.

If you find something wrong, you can go back and correct it. Alternatively if you've no more time to spare you can save your details and come back later.

At this point you will still not have been asked to pay anything.
You can choose to purchase any or all of the following:-
  • LPA-PA
  • LPA-HW (if you've completed one)
  • Document correction, printing, and binding (additional charge)
A ‘Lasting Power of Attorney - Property & Financial Affairs’ (‘LPA-PA’) allows you to appoint somebody to look after your money and property and other related affairs if for any reason you become unable to manage them yourself e.g.
  • You suffer an accident and are confined to bed or hospital
  • You suffer a more serious accident which permanently incapacitates you
  • You become mentally incapacitated or develop dementia as a result of old age or for some other reason
(Note: The LPA-PA effectively replaces the old Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA))
A ‘Lasting Power of Attorney – Health and Welfare’ (‘LPA-HW’) allows you to appoint somebody to make personal health and welfare (including, if you specify in the LPA-HW, life-sustaining treatment) decisions on your behalf if for any reason you become unable to make them yourself e.g.
  • You suffer an accident and are confined to bed or hospital
  • You suffer a more serious accident which permanently incapacitates you
  • You become mentally incapacitated or develop dementia as a result of old age or for some other reason
The questionnaire is a simple multiple-choice format and allows you to complete either just an LPA-PA, or an LPA-PA plus an LPA-HW.

Don't worry if you only want an LPA-HW – you can choose which documents to purchase at the end.
As current legislation stands, if somebody has to go into long term care the Local Authority has the power to seize all but £23,250 of their assets as a contribution towards the cost of that care.

Up until April 2015 that included being able to force the sale of their home, but from April 2015 (under a new ‘Universal Deferred Payments Scheme’, intended to prevent anyone from having to sell their home in their lifetime to pay for residential care) local authorities will instead be able to take an interest-bearing charge on the property of an individual against the cost of care fees, to be repaid after the individual’s death. Interest will be chargeable throughout the lifetime of the deferred payment.

So, whilst your home will not be sold while you are alive, its value will still be used to pay for your care costs - preventing you from being able to pass it on to your loved ones.

This issue is real: Official government statistics show that the some 69,000 homes each year have their equity used to fund long term care (which is equivalent to one home every four minutes).

If you are a couple and you jointly own your home then your home is at risk of being taken from your loved ones once you have both passed on, sold, and used to pay for the costs - plus interest - of your long term care.

However, you can easily protect at least 50% of your home by making a pair of Protective Property Trust Wills.
Click the large ‘START HERE’ button and we will lead you through the very simple 2-step process of protecting your home from the Local Authority:-
  1. Making Protective Property Trust Wills
  2. Ensuring that you own your home as ‘Tenants in Common’
That’s all there is to it. If you are interested in the detail of how it all works, please read ‘How do Protective Property Trust Wills work?’ further down this page.
Your Wills will be straightforward Mirror Wills that include a ‘Protective Property Trust’.

You will also be able to specify gifts and/or legacies, state who you wish to inherit your Estate, and appoint Guardians for any children you have under 18.

In other words, your Protective Property Trust Wills will cover your entire requirement for a Will and not just the ‘Property Protection’ angle.
For your Property Protection Trust Wills to work, you must jointly own your property as ‘Tenants in Common’.

You don’t need to know what this means (although see ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ further down this page if you are curious). All you need to know is that:-
  • We will lead you through the simple process of checking
  • If you need to take action then we will lead you through the simple process of creating the necessary documentation (note if this is necessary there is a further £41.65+VAT charge for this part of the service).
Click now to draft a Single Will without any obligation to buy.
Click now to draft a pair of Mirror Wills without any obligation to buy.
    Select this option if you are not quite sure which type of Will you want.
On August 17th 2015 a new European regulation came into force. The new regulation is technically called Regulation 650/2012 but is more commonly known as ‘Brussels IV’.

This regulation allows you to now override the ‘forced heirship’ succession laws in an EU country in which you hold assets and instead have the succession laws of the country of your nationality apply.

All new Wills made at allow you to take advantage of this new regulation.
Click here to login if your details are already stored with us.
Wills produced since 2002:
Family Group

Will and Lasting Power of Attorney Jargon explained

You may have heard numerous words or phrases relating to the subject of Wills and/or Lasting Powers of Attorney. The following list should hopefully explain what they all mean.

Wherever you see a word or phrase in italics on this page, you'll find an explanation for it in the list - which is in alphabetical order.

If you have any questions, or there is a term that you cannot see on the list, please do not hesitate to contact us - we'll be happy to help.


A person appointed by you in a Lasting Power of Attorney to look after your Affairs and/or Personal Welfare if you become unable to do so yourself.
If you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney and you become unable to look after yourself, then your relatives have to apply to the Court of Protection to have somebody appointed - who will almost certainly be somebody you don't know and will almost certainly charge for their services. What's more, the process of appointing somebody can take up to a year and cost around £1,000.
It is for this reason that everybody who makes a Will at our site is also asked if they would like to make a Lasting Power of Attorney.


Any person or organisation (e.g. a Charity) that you leave a legacy, and/or all or part of your Residuary Estate, in your Will.


Civil Partners:

Two people of the same sex who have undergone a so-called ‘gay marriage’ since the ‘Civil Partnership Act’ was passed in 2004.



To change an existing Will you can write a document called a ‘codicil’ describing the changes to be made to the Will. The original Will document, plus the ‘codicil’, then comprise the new Will.
You can write as many ‘codicils’ as you like, but as you can imagine things can soon get messy with so many documents to look after.
As re-writes to your Will at our website are free for 60 days after purchase (and at a 20% discount after that), it makes more sense to simply amend your Will online, generate the revised document, and print/sign/witness it - a process that automatically revokes your previous Will.
This is a major benefit of our service.


Discretionary Trust

This is an entire subject in itself and we advise you to read our page on Discretionary Trust Wills.



The people you choose to make your Will happen. Their job is to obtain probate, pay any debts you may have, distribute any gifts/legacies you have left in the Will and then distribute your Residuary Estate to your beneficiaries.


Funeral arrangements:

Directions you can give in your Will regarding your wishes such as details of your burial, cremation, etc. These are not legally binding on your Executors unless you forbid cremation. Our Wills do, however, authorise your Executors to use funds from your Estate to pay for your funeral - this is the important issue.



A person with legal control or responsibility for a child under 18 when nobody with parental responsibility remains alive or able/willing to act. Your Will allows you to legally appoint Guardians: you simply name them on the online form, and we generate the legal wording.


Inheritance Tax:

We have a special page here dedicated to this subject.



When someone dies without making a Will, they are said to have died ‘intestate’.


In Trust:

In a Will made at our site, if you leave a legacy or any part of your Estate to somebody under 18 (or some other age you specify - e.g. 25) then what you leave to them is automatically held in Trust by your Executors until they reach the age at which they can inherit it. Your Executors are given powers in the Will to allow them to 'apply' some or all of the inheritance towards the 'Education, Maintenance, and benefit' of the child.


Joint Tenants:

If you and one or more other people own a property together, then you will own it either as Joint Tenants or as Tenants in Common.
Please click here for an explanation of what these two terms mean, the difference between them, and a description of the service we offer for converting to Tenants in Common.


Lasting Power of

There are TWO types of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA):-
One where you appoint one or more attorneys to look after your Property & Financial Affairs should you become unable to do so yourself, and one where you appoint one or more attorneys to look after your Personal Welfare (i.e. take decisions about how you are looked after, where you live, medication you are given, etc.) should you become unable to do so yourself. Click here for more details.



A gift in a Will – for example a specific item, (sometimes called a ‘Specific Legacy’) or a gift of money (sometimes called a ‘Pecuniary Legacy’) or a gift of a house or property, etc.


Returning Customers:

This is not a legal term, but an explanation of the facility that you will see on the right-hand side of our Home Page.
Once you have drafted or paid for a Will and/or Lasting Power of Attorney at our website, you automatically become a 'Member' of our service and you can then check or amend your documents and download any previous documents by clicking on this part of our Home Page and entering your email address and password. If you have lost - or never received - your password then don't worry: once you've clicked on 'Returning Customers' you will see a facility that allows you to get your password emailed to you.


Obtaining probate:

After you have died, your Executors must take your Will to the nearest Probate Office (which can be found in the Yellow Pages) and apply for Probate. At the successful conclusion of the process, your Executors are given an official document called a ‘Grant of Representation’. This effectively makes them the legal owners of your Estate (e.g. they can legally access your bank accounts) and enables them to distribute it.
ALL Will packages purchased from include a free comprehensive document for you to give to your Executors explaining how to go about obtaining probate.
What's more, if you take out our Document Storage Service, you and your Executors have access to a FREE Probate Helpline as soon as you've made your Will.



Unless she has it removed by a court, a child's mother has parental responsibility. So (if he was married to her at the time, or if he successfully applies for it) does the father. Your Will allows you to appoint Guardians who automatically have legal responsibility for any child for whom you have parental responsibility, should you die and nobody with parental responsibility remains alive.


Reading of the Will

This is something that happens on TV and in films only and is not a necessary process. See Obtaining Probate above.


Residuary Estate

What is left of your Estate after the deduction of inheritance tax and debts, the expenses of administration (i.e. expenses incurred by your Executors in obtaining probate and then distributing your Estate), the cost of your funeral, and after the distribution of any gifts/legacies you have specified in your Will.


Tenants in Common:

If you and one or more other people own a property together, then you will own it either as Joint Tenants or as Tenants in Common.
Please click here for an explanation of what these two terms mean, the difference between them, and a description of the service we offer for converting to Tenants in Common.



(or testatrix if female) This is the legal term for the person who has made the Will - i.e. you.



To make your Will legal, it must be signed by you in the presence of two witnesses, who must not only see you sign it but also be able to testify (if ever required) that you understood its contents and were of sound mind.
A witness cannot be a beneficiary of the Will. If this 'rule' is broken, the Will remains legally valid but the witness loses all of his/her entitlement.
Every Will purchased from our site includes a detailed Instructions Document explaining exactly how to carry out the signing and witnessing process.


To Make a Will

Single Will
Mirror Wills
Not sure
which Will